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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tomb Raider 3: Adventures Of Lara Croft System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-03-10 00:12:44 Views : 28711 Level skip Perform the following actions: Draw Lara's pistols. Walk one step back. Walk one step forward. Duck and stand. Spin around three times, then jump forward. All weapons Perform the following actions: Draw Lara's pistols. Walk one step back. Walk one step forward. Duck and stand. Spin around three times, then jump backwards. Exploding Lara Perform the following actions: Walk one step back. Walk one step forward. Duck and stand. Spin around three times, then jump forward or backwards. Lara's basement and race course key Go to the Library. When Lara walks in the doorway, there are two bookcases to the right. Approach the one on the left and press Action. Then, Lara will pull a book and the fire will extinguish, allowing her to climb up the side wall inside the fireplace. After reaching the top, follow the passageways until reaching a room with two levels, with a switch on the top level. Pull the blocks in a way that a hallway leading into the attic is revealed. When Lara pulls the switch, the basement door will temporarily open. Quickly run through the attic, and down to the main hall to reach the basement. Once in the basement, walk through to the second room and look in the tank on the right side. Inside is the key to the race course. To collect it, pull the block in the other room to the center. Climbing up to the hall that leads into the tank. Lara's museum Activate the switch behind the diving board in Lara's pool room. Then, go to the door it opens in her main hall. Pull the switch, sprint straight across her lobby and roll into her museum. Artifacts including The Dagger of Xian are in her museum. Flares in Lara's home Press the button beside Lara's bed which was the gun cabinet in Tomb Raider 2 for flares. Note: You may need to turn the brightness up on your screen to view the flares. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Tomb Raider 3: Adventures Of Lara Croft cheat codes.
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